The left is finally waking up to the deceit of Barack Obama. He has been a proven liar over and over again breaking almost all of his campaign promises. It is more obvious now that Obama is a tool of Corporate America, and the Banksters. The Health Care bill is an example of that. Why would the Insurance Companies, and the Pharmaceutical companies both be supporting a bill that didn't benefit them? The answer is they would not. How come the health care debate does not include nurses or doctors? The answer is they are against this bill so they must be silenced. Big Insurance and Big Pharma know they got their man in power to do their bidding, and the left is finally waking up. Months ago a leftist writer named Chris Hedges wrote an excellent post called Brand Obama that brilliantly conveys the masterful Madison Avenue branding of Obama. It was a campaign to deceive the American people that President Obama would do one thing but Brand Obama would get you to believe another. Sadly Obama is nothing more than a tool for Wall Street. Others are catching on now too. From Brand Obama:
Barack Obama is a brand. And the Obama brand is designed to make us feel good about our government while corporate overlords loot the Treasury, our elected officials continue to have their palms greased by armies of corporate lobbyists, our corporate media diverts us with gossip and trivia and our imperial wars expand in the Middle East. Brand Obama is about being happy consumers. We are entertained. We feel hopeful. We like our president. We believe he is like us. But like all branded products spun out from the manipulative world of corporate advertising, we are being duped into doing and supporting a lot of things that are not in our interest.
John Richard Pilger is an Australian journalist and documentary maker who recently made a prophetic speech that punctures the illusion of the Obama mythology. Not only does he shatter the deception of the messiah Obama, but he also mentions how Obama's first job was for Business International a known CIA front. These theories have been thrown around the internet for some time that Obama, and his mother were both spooks for the CIA, but the evidence seems to be stacking up that this theory may be true. Joseph Cannon has done some excellent research into this spook speculation. In his piece, "The name's Obama -- BARACK Obama.", Cannon reveals the companies Obama's mother worked for, and how several of them were known CIA fronts. He also mentions that elusive trip to Pakistan Obama took in 1981 that he fails to mention in both his books. His piece is an excellent read.
Like mother, like son. Ann worked for at least two organizations notorious for providing CIA cover. Barack went straight from college to an organization known to provide CIA cover. Coincidence?

Let's put it this way: How often do such things happen in your family?

Supposedly, Ann was a leftist. Yet she married Lolo Sotero, a key intermediary between the American oil companies and Indonesian strongman Suharto, installed by the CIA in an extremely bloody coup. (Obama admits the CIA connection in his book.) No genuine lefty would have had anything to do with Suharto or his cronies.
We may never know whether Obama is a spook or not, but a good question is who has the power to seal up all of his records including his passport, his grades from Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard, his senior thesis, his Senate records, his law firm records, his medical records and numerous others? Perhaps the head of the Spooks.

Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation - and a Spook?


  1. Corporate sponsors, Corporate money, Corporate bailouts, Corporate bonuses, Corporate CEOs appointed as Czars of various departments, Corporate Greed.

    Obama Incorporated

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