Dylan Ratigan Is A Truth Teller

I know Dylan Ratigan is on MSNBC, the state run media, but he is a truth teller. He is willing to call the greatest theft in history for what it is totally criminal. Last week, Dylan called on President Obama to fire Timothy Geithner for having major conflicts of interest when he was chairman of the New York Fed in calling for the bailout of AIG 100% on the dollar. Now Dylan has presented his take on what real reform would be in the Financial market.

The Fix
  1. Inject Transparency in the process. There is still over $475 trillion dollars of toxic debt still hidden from the American people. This is very dangerous in that another collapse could occur any day.
  2. Make sure the banks have Capital Backing Their Bets. This will prevent the taxpayers from having to bail out the banks for their reckless gambling of capital that does not exist
  3. Create Tax Code Discouraging Short-Term Profits. This will encourage long term investment in America.
  4. End Too Big To Fail. "It is a total betrayal of the most basic principals of fairness, and competition and deprives our country of incredible resources simply to subsidize a government sponsored gambling parlor."
Go Dylan

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