The Biggest Game in Town

We have been lied to. Straight and Simple. We have been lied to. We think we live in a Republic, but actually we live in a Dictatorship disguised as a Republic. There is no one to blame but ourselves. We turned a blind eye toward the criminal takeover of this nation. We got distracted with our toys, sports, and entertainment. While we were sleeping, the government slowly confiscated our wealth, property, and left us in utter ruin. It's a startling wake up call - one that makes your stomach turn, one that keep you restless at night, and one that can bring you to tears by the horrific realization that everything you thought was a TRUTH is actually a LIE. Now that we are awake we have a responsibility to act. It would be immoral if we did not. It is up to us, and us alone to Restore the Republic for the good of all the people. The Oligarchy had it's day. The answers are among US.

One American Hero for our cause is Walter Burien. He discovered that city, county, and state budgets were not reporting their actual total gross incomes when they disclosed their budgets to the people. It turns out our states are a lot more wealthy than they claim. In fact on average our city, county and state budgets gross incomes, and assets are 8 to 40 times bigger than what they've been reporting in their Operating Budgets. Only one third of the city, county or state revenues comes from tax income. Two thirds of the revenue comes from investment funds. The investment fund money is the income they are not telling us about. That public surplus of money is ours. This educational video by Walter Burien, exposes the real numbers from the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report that the government, and the media have been hiding. The CAFR is the report to know about for every city, county or state. The State Budget reports the news and politicians always refer to do not include investment income. So when you hear a politician say they don't have the money for this or that just know it's BULL! They have the money. They just want to keep it for themselves. Schwarzenegger claims that California has a $28 billion budget shortfall, but the truth is California has $11 - 13 trillion of liquid investment assets based on state, city and county investments. Bottom line is Government promotes its' DEBT, and hide their PROFITS. Every American can find their CAFR for their city, county, state, and municipalities online to learn the truth about what is really going on. It's a must watch for every American. If you have an accountant friend email this link to them. Knowledge is Power. The best thing we got is Citizens Informing Citizens. This is how we will take back our country. Pass it on.

The Biggest Game in Town

Excellent Podcast Interview with Walter Burien

Excellent Analysis of State CAPR reports

Walter Burien's Website

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