Max Keiser: "Goldman Sachs Is Stealing Every Day On The Floor Of The Exchange!"

Max Keiser tells it like it is. You will not hear anybody in the US media speaking the truth about the evil Goldman Sachs, because the banks own the media. It's a sad state of affairs when you have to seek out the foreign press for the truth about the crimes against the American People by our banking system. This week Goldman Sachs reported astronomical earnings of $3.44 billion for the past three months. They will issue themselves $20 billion in bonuses an average of $700,000 per employee which is 14x the average American income. Those facts should make your blood boil. Almost a year ago Goldman Sachs was bankrupt, and if it were not for their friend in government, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson Goldman Sachs former CEO, they would not be around today. Hank made sure his team got bailed out with our tax dollars, and let Goldman's main competitors Lehman and Bear Stearns fail. With our money, they played the market using insider trading, and made record profits then granted themselves insane bonuses. This is totally criminal, and if they had any morale bone in their body they would have given these profits back to the American people. All we get from Washington, and President Obama regarding this raping of America is crickets. Must be the $900,000 donation Obama got from the boys at Goldman his main contributor.

Wake up America! Your future is being stolen from you right before your eyes. Washington is not on the side of We the people. The banks own Congress. It's up to us alone to save this nation.

In the words of the great Max Keiser:
"Goldman Sachs are scum! That's the bottom line. They have co-opted the US Government, they co-opted the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve functionality, they co-opted the Obama Administration. Barack Obama dances to Goldman Sachs tune."

"They're literally stealing $100 million a day. Goldman Sachs is stealing every day on the floor of the exchange. They should be in the Hague, and they should be taken up on Financial Terrorism charges, and they all should be thrown in jail. They're are scum!"

"The bonuses Goldman Sachs is being paid this year were taken right out of the starving American's pockets. The homeless Americans have Goldman Sachs to thank for their homelessness, and starvation right now. They took the money from their pockets, and put it in their bonuses for this year. That's unconscionable. That's a financial terrorist crime. I'm not kidding. They should be at the Hague. They should be taken to the Hague. They're absolutely violating human rights. It's a human rights issue.

Thank you Max Keiser for speaking truth to power. I wish we had more brave Americans on our soil that would do the same.

1 comment:

  1. What we have is an administration surrounded by advisers and well placed and very wealthy elected officials many of whom worked at Goldman Sachs and in the case of Paulson and Corzine....were former CEO's of Goldman Sachs.....this goes back all the way to when Rubin was Head of the Treasury.

    It is criminal that such a small group of people can so easily buy they're way into the White House and have the entire executive branch to work for their interests.

    It is criminal. Geithner works for the banks. He works for Goldman Sachs. Obama was funded by the banks. Obama is nothing but the perfect manchurian candidate for this corporate blight.
